About 'private health insurance cost'|Private Health Insurance Exchanges Enjoy an Edge Over State HIX
President Obama and company have been dropping the term "health insurance exchanges" when discussing the health care reform bill. There is an underlying assumption that people know what a health insurance exchange contains. A health insurance exchange is more than a simple listing of health insurance companies. There are certain compliance requirements insurance companies need to meet to be in the exchanges, and there are also features to help Americans determined affordability and compare plans available to them in their state. What Are Health Insurance Exchanges? Insurance Marketplace Health insurance exchanges provide consumers an easy way to compare health insurance plans. If you've ever compared health insurance plans through your company's health benefits Web site, the exchange is similar, only more expansive. Run by the State Currently, the idea is to have each state set up its own health insurance exchange. Massachusetts already has one. According to Time, some states may join forces to create regional exchanges, encompassing more than one state. This may work for smaller states, because in theory, the more people in the marketplace, the more competitive the insurance rates will be. Free or Low Cost Insurance If the Massachusetts health insurance exchange is an example, the exchange is where consumers can determine their eligibility for low or not cost health insurance. Related information and application forms are available for multiple programs, including Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) Commonwealth Care, MassHealth, Healthy Start, and the Uncompensated Care Pool. (Commonwealth Connector) Competitive Marketplace In theory, the health insurance exchange is a competitive marketplace. The Massachusetts health insurance exchange, called the Commonwealth Connector is an example of the reality of prices that are not competitive, with the cheapest available policy starting at $799 per month. According to Ezra Klein, a health insurance exchange will "use market share to bargain down the prices of services." While the prices available through the exchange may be lower than they are for an individual buying health insurance on their own in Massachusetts, the prices are not competitive to the lower prices offered through company-sponsored plans. Consider the cheapest plan available through the Commonwealth Connector is double what my family of three pays per month for better coverage. What Health Insurance Exchanges Are Not Not A Way to Curb Heath Care Costs As attractive and convenient as the health insurance exchanges sound for consumers, they are not a way to keep health care costs down. According to the CATO Institute, the Massachusetts Connector, "has failed to restrain the growth in health-care costs" and "Health-care costs continue to rise much faster in Massachusetts than in the nation as a whole." Consumers living in Massachusetts also know this through experience. Rather than becoming a more competitive and open marketplace, the system seems to have gone the way of cable TV: fewer choices with rising prices. Since the Massachusetts health reform was enacted, health insurance premiums here have actually risen at "double the national average, or 10 to 12 percent a year", according to the National Review. Not the Yellow Pages Health insurance exchanges are not yellow page listings of every health insurance company under the sun. Only health insurance companies which do business in your state will be included. Those health insurance companies must meet certain requirements, including being able to justify premium hikes to the state, or the insurer can be excluded from the exchange, according to The White House Blog. Not Government-Run Insurance The health insurance exchanges include private insurance companies. These are the same health insurance companies which offer policies to individuals as well as company-sponsored health plans. Government and state-run plans may be included in the exchanges for those who meet the eligibility guidelines, but most of the plans in the exchange are private health insurance companies. Not A Replacement for Your Company-Sponsored Insurance If you already purchase health insurance through your company, you are not required to use a health insurance exchange. You are welcome to compare prices available in your state, if you feel you pay too much in health insurance premiums. Company-sponsored health insurance programs are considered a job benefit because the company is paying a percentage of your health coverage bill. However, if you still pay too much through your company's plan, now you have a more convenient way to compare other health insurance options. Sources The White House Blog The Affordable Health Care for America Act, http://pascrell.house.gov/views/healthmyths.shtml Massachusetts Health Connector, https://www.mahealthconnector.org/portal/site/connector "How Not to Reform Health Care," http://www.cato.org/pub_display.php?pub_id=10279, via National Review (Online) on June 9, 2009. |
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