About 'family and health'|Work, Family, Health, Friends, and Spirit - Five balls by James Patterson
The holidays can be a time for sharing and family bonding. The holiday season also poses certain safety and health risks. Health risks are associated with some holiday foods. Here is a free Holiday Food Safety Success Kit with free printable activities. Holiday Food Safety.org (click here) provides dozens of resources for parents, families and holiday cooks. This holiday guide defines health risks that some foods pose. Specialty foods like mussels, oysters and shellfish, creamed herring, egg nog, specialty desserts, raw fish and egg dishes, nuts, cheese, mail-order fruit, all these can cause allergic reactions. They are also more susceptible to contamination; raw or minimally cooked eggs, dairy, shellfish and fish are especially prone to food-borne pathogens. The Holiday Food Safety Success Kit (available at the above mentioned website) contain helpful cooking and food preparation videos. These videos are available in Spanish and English. I'm a veteran cook, but even someone with my years of experience can learn from helpful resources like this. These videos focus on cooking holiday dishes. They emphasize cooking to proper internal temperatures, keeping foods fresh by refrigerating promptly, washing surfaces and hands between preparations and avoiding cross-contamination by sanitizing surfaces. Holiday Food Safety has dozens of free printable activities for parents and children. There are recipes, games, coloring pages, health lesson plans, puzzles, shopping lists, grocery and to-do lists and lots more. There are holiday food decoration tips, free printable food storage labels and dozens of helpful recipes and how-tos. I especially like the way that this website provides helpful resources to get kids cooking and to teach them food safety and health tips. Teachers and homeschoolers, use Holiday Food Safety for Christmas and holiday lesson plans. These lessons make great connections between science and holiday curriculum. These lesson make excellent health and safety lessons as well as chemistry and physical science lessons. These lessons work for all ages from preschool up to high school. A safe, healthy holiday is a happy holiday. For more free printable resources, educational activities and holiday lessons, visit the blogs listed. |
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... at the state and federal levels, including early care and education, juvenile justice, health care, poverty reduction, and more.
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